Creaset Deep Linen HWS

Technical data
(EN - ES - FR - IT)

One-side coated deep embossed linen paper, for high wet strength and alkali resistant labels.

Creaset Deep Linen HWS has excellent performance on labeling lines and suitable for returnable bottle labels such as beer. Designed for highspeed printing given its stiffness and fast ink penetration.

Excellent adaptation of the label to the bottle and low reactivity to moisture and water. Ideal for rotogravure, flexographic and offset printing.

Available in sheets and rolls.

Available substances: 70, 75 y 80 gsm

PEFC Chain of Custody (multisite)
FSC Chain of Custody (multisite)
REACH regulation Lecta
ISO 14001 Environment
EMAS Motril mill
ISO 50001 Energy Efficiency
ISO 9001 Quality
ISO 45001 Health and Safety
ISO 22000 Food Safety - Motril
Paper Profile Creaset - Motril



Creaset PHCreaset PH15Creaset PHCreaset PHCreaset PHCreaset PHCreaset PHOne-side coated gloss paper with high opacity for convertersPapel estucado 1 cara brillante con alta opacidad para adhesivadores.Papier couché brillant 1 face, haute opacité pour fabriquants d'adhésif.Carta monopatinata lucida, elevata opacità per adesivatori. One-side coatedFSC;#PEFC;#RECYCLABLE;#REELS;#
Creaset GPCreaset GP18Creaset GPCreaset GPCreaset GPCreaset GPOne-side coated grease proof gloss paperPapel estucado 1 cara brillante resistente al aceite.​​Papier couché brillant une face, résistant à l'huile. ​Carta monopatinata lucida resistente agli oli.One-side coatedFSC;#PEFC;#RECYCLABLE;#SHEETS;#REELS;#
Creaset GP AdhesiveCreaset GP Adhesive19Creaset GP AdhesiveCreaset GP AdhesiveCreaset GP AdhesiveCreaset GP AdhesiveOne-side coated grease proof gloss paper for converters.Papel estucado 1 cara brillante resistente al aceite para convertidores de adhesivo. ​Papier couché brillant 1 face, haute opacité pour fabricants d'adhésifs. Carta monopatinata lucida resistente agli oli per adesivatori. One-side coatedFSC;#PEFC;#RECYCLABLE;#SHEETS;#REELS;#