Metalvac Seal WV Barrier

Technical data
(EN - ES - FR - IT)
Functional metallized paper with heat sealing and water vapour barrier properties. 


Flexible paper that provides barrier to water vapour, light and grease.

Suitable for flexible packaging applications (such as flowpacks, sachets, wrapping, lids, etc.) for non-food and food products (like confectionary, coffee and tea, powder, etc.).

Heat sealable on the metallized inner side. Printable on the outer side by rotogravure, flexography and offset.

PEFC Chain of Custody (multisite)
FSC Chain of Custody (multisite)
REACH regulation Lecta
ISO 14001 Environment
EMAS Leitza mill
ISO 50001 Energy Efficiency
ISO 9001 Quality
ISO 45001 Health and Safety
Paper Profile Metalvac