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Responsible waste management, a strategic sustainability target for Lecta


1/22/2025 12:00 AM

waste management | sustainability | ESG

Aligned with our commitment to the circular economy and sustainable development

​​​​​Within the framework of its ESG strategy​, Lecta is committed to reducing overall waste generation, increasing levels of reuse and recycling, and achieving increasingly efficient production processes. In its strategic sustainability targets for 2030, Lecta has established key performance indicators (KPIs) that ensure a transparent assessment of its progress in this regard.

Management of process waste is performed in collaboration with trusted partners, to ensure compliance with current regulations and sustainable disposal as well as maximize possibilities of reuse.

The majority of Lecta's waste is specific to pulp and paper manufacturing and as such is included in the European list of non-hazardous waste. This includes sludge from wastewater treatment.

Lecta's latest Sustainability Report shows the significant progress the company has made in waste management, achieving a 97.8% waste recovery rate. In some mills, up to 100% of our sludge is reused, for example as fertilizer for the agriculture sector.

This achievement underscores Lecta's firm commitment to protecting the environment, the circular economy and sustainable development.​

Find out more about Lecta's waste management in its ​ 2023 Sustainability Report.

More information about Lecta's commitment to sustainability can be found at




Lecta supports the Asterix charity initiative with a cookbook for Les Restos du Cœur<img alt="" src="/es/news/PublishingImages/nh_Asterix.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><img alt="" src="/es/news/PublishingImages/nd_Asterix.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><p>​Lecta has collaborated in the production of <em>Astérix Les 40 banquets: à table avec de grands chefs gaulois!</em> ("Asterix - The 40 Banquets: Dining with Great Gallic Chefs!"), a special publication created in association with the well-known Asterix comic book series to raise funds for the French charity Les Restos du Cœur.</p><p>Published by Éditions Albert René, the book celebrates gastronomy and the fun-loving spirit of the endearing <em>Asterix</em> characters. Featuring 40 recipes inspired by Gallic banquets, it presents readers with iconic illustrations of the legendary feasts accompanied by menus created by 40 famous chefs who have graciously agreed to share their recipes. Anne-Sophie Pic, Mohamed Cheikh, Omar Dhiab, Pierre Gagnaire, Gilles Goujon, Noëmie Honiat, Cyril Lignac and other renowned <em>haute cuisine</em> talents are some of the chefs who have taken part in the initiative.</p><p>What makes this campaign even more special is the fact that all the proceeds obtained from the sale of the book will be used to fight hunger. For each copy of the comic book purchased, five meals will be distributed to the needy through the network of Les Restos du Cœur. This charitable initiative is therefore a unique opportunity for readers to contribute directly to reducing hunger and poverty in France by helping those most in need.</p><p>Les Restos du Cœur distributes more than 130 million meals per year and helps more than a million people throughout France, not only by providing food but in areas like housing and social inclusion as well.</p><p>Lecta, with its ethical commitment, respect and responsibility to communities and society in general, welcomed the opportunity to support this initiative by providing paper to print <em>Astérix Les 40 banquets: à table avec de grands chefs gaulois!</em></p><p>The project demonstrates that partnership between companies and charities has the power to generate a positive impact for society. Through the book, Asterix not only shares his fine feasts but invites everyone to join this charitable cause and help ensure that no one goes hungry.</p><p>More information about the Asterix book: <strong><a href="" target="_blank">​Astérix Les 40 banquets</a></strong></p><p>More information about Les Restos du Cœur: <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Les Restos du Cœur</a></strong></p>2/5/2025 9:00:00 AMAbout Us Locations Join the Lecta Team Sales Organization Manufacturing Sites Why Lecta <ddd/> A responsible company Strategic Sustainability Targets and SDGs Environmental Social <ddd/> supports the Asterix charity initiative with a cookbook for Les Restos du Cœur
Lecta secures FSSC 22000 food safety certification for its Leitza mill<img alt="Lecta's Leitza mill FSSC 22000 certification" src="/es/news/PublishingImages/nh_CertificacionFSSC22000Leitza.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><img alt="Lecta's Leitza mill FSSC 22000 certification" src="/es/news/PublishingImages/nd_CertificacionFSSC22000Leitza.jpg" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><p>Lecta is pleased to announce that its <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=ab4fa7a3-0634-4500-936f-c564acc72d36&TermSetId=df97ac4b-f748-499e-bb14-37fe224b64ce&TermId=2b1d099b-69a2-4418-8725-860f3ce3b0d2"><strong>Leitza mill</strong></a> in Spain has obtained <a href="https://_cmssite/Certificates/LectaLeitzaFSSC22000.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>FSSC 22000</strong></a> food safety systems certification for its <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=ab4fa7a3-0634-4500-936f-c564acc72d36&TermSetId=df97ac4b-f748-499e-bb14-37fe224b64ce&TermId=f3747b76-9025-4725-84d4-c1890685338d"><strong>metallized papers</strong></a> for packaging applications in the food industry.</p><p>Lecta, which had already obtained <a href="https://_cmssite/Certificates/LectaSantJoanlesFontsFSSC22000.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>FSSC 22000 certification</strong></a> for its <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=ab4fa7a3-0634-4500-936f-c564acc72d36&TermSetId=df97ac4b-f748-499e-bb14-37fe224b64ce&TermId=24990b19-74b4-4c7b-9cda-8e3f92f16918"><strong>Sant Joan les Fonts mill</strong></a> and <a href="https://_cmssite/Certificates/LectaMotrilISO22000.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>ISO 22000 certification</strong></a> for food safety management systems at its <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=ab4fa7a3-0634-4500-936f-c564acc72d36&TermSetId=df97ac4b-f748-499e-bb14-37fe224b64ce&TermId=7591e530-5ee9-49ca-8e86-7ff021ba11bf"><strong>Motril mill</strong></a>, both in Spain, thereby guarantees the safety of its manufacturing processes and end products for <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?g=Flexible+Packaging+and+Bags&WebId=ab4fa7a3-0634-4500-936f-c564acc72d36&TermSetId=df97ac4b-f748-499e-bb14-37fe224b64ce&TermId=ebbf1cfa-b628-4be1-9562-209173246ae6"><strong>packaging applications</strong></a> in this sector. This is an essential step in meeting the needs and trust of its clients and consumers in general.</p><p><strong>FSSC 22000</strong> and <strong>ISO 22000</strong> food safety standards are two of the most widely known standards in the food industry and entail rigorous audits to ensure compliance.</p><p>As a <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=ab4fa7a3-0634-4500-936f-c564acc72d36&TermSetId=df97ac4b-f748-499e-bb14-37fe224b64ce&TermId=69e355a0-181d-4ffc-a15d-87d2047058ea"><strong>responsible company</strong></a> committed to sustainability and to society, Lecta will continue to innovate according to the most stringent standards, to offer safe, reliable food packaging alternatives that contribute to creating a more sustainable world.</p><p>For more information about Lecta and its paper solutions for food packaging applications, please visit <a href="/en"></a><br></p>12/18/2024 11:00:00 PMAbout Us Locations Join the Lecta Team Sales Organization Manufacturing Sites Why Lecta <ddd/> A responsible company Strategic Sustainability Targets and SDGs Environmental Social <ddd/> secures FSSC 22000 food safety certification for its Leitza mill