01/02/2014 0:00
Business with Social Value (BWSV) contributes to the visibility of social enterprises as a competitive economic sector and promotes relationships between for-profit companies and social firms.
Torraspapel, part of Lecta Group, has collaborated for the second year in a row on the Business with Social Value (BWSV) initiative, which seeks to create real possibilities for social enterprises – non-profits where more than 70% of the staff is made up of persons with disabilities – to compete. The initiative aims to increase the process of positive discrimination toward non-profit businesses that employ people with disabilities, increasing awareness of the social value of these transactions and granting visibility to organizations' commitment through the use of the "Business with Social Value" brand.
The second edition of BWSV was held this past December 12 in Barcelona, bringing together more than 60 social enterprises from 54 different areas of activity and 287 purchasers from for-profit companies. Torraspapelsupports this initiative and collaborated with its CreatorStar 135-gram paper, used for printing the communication material distributed during the event.
For more information about the activities of Torraspapel, and Lecta, as socially responsible companies, please visit the Sustainability section at this site and http://www.lecta.com/en/sustainability/environment.